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Monday, May 9, 2016

The Final Laps

I can't believe it is May already, and we are just a few weeks shy of these kiddos no longer being 5th graders! I am blown away and how quick the finish line is coming! I hope everyone had a wonderful mother's day, as I know the kids were SO EXCITED to bring you their crafty gifts on Friday! We had so much fun making them! They were trying very hard to not only make the gifts personalized, but also, to keep it a secret! I hope that they gave them to you! If they didn't- ask them! They might have forgotten it here! 

Here is a calendar of things to come for this month- as you can see it is much less filled up in comparison to April. 

The big things were are trying to tackle are the following: 
1. Memoir writing is due THIS FRIDAY. Hopefully, everyone can get their's printed and turned in on time, so we do no need to take away any extra time from Fantasy Reading/Writing, as that has been the unit the kiddos are chomping at the bits for. And I am so excited to start it with them!Please help them at home if they have some typing to work on! 

1.5. Fountas and Pinelle Testing is starting this week- so be ready for some new letters! Hooray! 

2. Spelling work is due every Friday, even though it is not listed on the calendar. 

3. WEB Field trip on the 18th at 11:35- please have the permission slips turned in by this Friday as well. If everyone has theirs turned in, I will try to reward them accordingly! 

4. This year on the last day of school, we are going to spend most of the day at the Middleton Pool. There will be some overlap with the 6th graders, but they are a great group and I know everyone will have fun. Permission slips will be coming out soon (probably next week), and we need some lawn games to have available in case the kids don't want to play in the pool. Please sign up on this SignUpGenius account if you would like to bring in some fun games! 

As always, please shoot me an email if you have any questions or concerns. 


If you are wondering about Madison Radical games, here is the home (Breese Stevens Field) schedule:

May 13 vs. Chicago Wildfire
May 21st vs. Chincinatti Revolution
May 27th vs. Minnesota Windchill
June 4th  vs Pittsburg Thunderbirds
June 11th  vs. Detriot Mechanix
July 10th@ Home vs. Indianapolis Alleycats