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Friday, January 9, 2015


Wow! What a great first week back!
The kiddos were very tired the first few days- an anxious for a snow day/cold day- but regardless, they still put the petal to the metal and worked very hard. It's been hard trying to get back in the routine (as I am sure it was not easy getting them out of bed all week!!) but they are slowly removing the cobwebs.

I have been working very hard all week on trying to set up a new schedule for Extended Learning time. The kids know it's coming and we will go over expectations next week.
SO far the  plan is this:

EL time will be split into 2 times. 3:21-3:35 and 3:35-3:49
Mondays and Wednesday will be Reading focused days
Tuesday and Thursdays will be Math focused days.

On Reading days, the kids will do two of the following activities: 
Book Club with Ms. D, Read and Writes, Word Work and Reader's Theater.

On Math days, the kids will do two of the following activities:
Math Club with Ms. D, Moby Max/EDM games, Math Masters and Dreambox.

Not everyone will do all the activities all the time, some activities some students will not qualify for. 
This is being done to ensure that every student's needs can be met. 

Keep in mind, some students will have band lessons or other services to attend. The class is also required to partake in Guidance lessons 2 times a month, as well as some library time as well.  I will allow some days for students to work on independent reading or math homework for one of the two sessions.

This is an experiment that I hope goes well. I am not sure when we will rotate activities (weekly, or monthly) but I will figure out an answer to that shortly.

For writing, the original plan was to be completely done by Monday- however, there were a few impromptu lessons from myself and  Mr. Miles (technology). I would like the kids to have their drafts completely typed up, so we can revise and edit easily on  Monday and Tuesday, then celebrate on Wednesday.

Working on planning a celebration for writing...would any parents be interested in coming in and listening to some information writing?

Send me an email if you are interested.

Have a great and warm weekend!!

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